Sharing Sisterhood Across the Globe

Sister to Sister is a place to renew for women of all cultures, faiths and races. Coretta Scott King said, "Women, if the soul of the Nation is to be saved, I believe we must become its soul." I would like to add "Earth" instead of "Nation." We need to widen the borders and challenge the world to become a better place. Join the conversation.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Study War No More

My New Year's Resolution: To study war no more!

Peace on Earth -- Peace by Piece
There is no way to Peace, Peace is the Way!

The year 2010 brings us to the close of a Decade of learning to build cultures of peace for the world. Oddly, enough, I believe that we have learned so much about the ways in which we can forge peace and that we're also a world that is ready to embrace it. No matter what the critics say, PEACE-IS-INEVITABLE! We are doing it. We just haven't had the right press, so to speak, to make others aware that 1) they are not alone, and 2) we are a species that cares---ulitimately.
     Last night, I shared this desire to build cultures of peace with citizens of Salinas Valley and realized that these conversations are going on around the world. I also realized that if we could take a camera into these rooms where people genuinely converse about making their communities better, their peace organizations stronger, and lives safer, more people would understand what I am seeing and believing. I am also beginning to wonder if it such a good idea of just identifying the talk. I'm of the ilk that believes "I can show you better than I can tell you," but then I'm a storyteller, so I know that I can tell you just as well, too. Still, actions do speak louder than words.
     This is why this sister to sister blog is so important to me. If we are ever to truly study war no more, we are going to have to make sure that women are at the table of those discussions that study peace. While a blog is another form of talking, the stories we will tell here are about the actions being taken, some of which start in our minds, but ultimately they go from paper to proof! In the printing business, a proof is the document that shows how it is going to look before it is printed. This blog does share just a vision, but a plethora of visions and people who can make these visions reality.
     The risks we take ...
     It is said that God counts a woman's tears. I believe that there is a spirit that moves in us as women that we sometimes fail to use in this quest for peace. Our resolve, our tenderness, our caring, our warmth--those are strengths, sisters, and we, all of us, need to use these strengths more often. We are also tacticians. Wise. We can see behind the brutality that plagues our homes, our communities and nations. We must remind our sons and daughters that they too can choose a different course. We risk our future to do otherwise. We risk our hearts as well.
     So, tomorrow for some is just another day. Still, in the morning when I rise, women will bring those tears of joy to my eyes, telling me that everything is going to be alright!

[If you are interested in being a part of the sister to sister blog, email P.K. at We want to hear from you.]

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