Sharing Sisterhood Across the Globe

Sister to Sister is a place to renew for women of all cultures, faiths and races. Coretta Scott King said, "Women, if the soul of the Nation is to be saved, I believe we must become its soul." I would like to add "Earth" instead of "Nation." We need to widen the borders and challenge the world to become a better place. Join the conversation.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


As we (13 Moon Walk 4 Peace) travel, speak, walk, participate with communities in planting peace poles, ceremonies and various gatherings, there is one thing I have begun to realize -- when we show up and engage with one another, we inspire each other to climb higher and higher! Many of us are facing critical challenges/opportunities at this time and, I find, it so important to see beyond my own uncertainty and focus on the great works that are being done by the "ordinary" people I meet along the way: ordinary in that they are people just like you and I; extraordinary in that they have found unique and often courageous ways to make a difference in their families, their communities and even the world. These are the stories I want to tell and I want to invite you to do the same.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Mother's Day Offering

"Reverent Mother" Anjali
from Women We Are

All women are mothers. We mother the plants, the earth, the air, the water, the animals, our brothers and sisters, our children. We all are univeresal, reverent mothers.

These images are of my family: mother, grandmother, self; of revered women in my life; and the selfless nuns of Ananda Marga, doing great service work for AMURTEL. My 13 year old son helped me navigate this videography. Please enjoy, and share the love.